Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New display space

As you remember I have a space in the Artists Colony and was showcasing my paintings on my cool polka dot framed wall space.  Well paintings are moving really slow.  I figured I could use my other talents and branch out a bit.  But this meant I needed something to display on.
In steps my sister and her husband to the rescue.  
They dug around their workshop and found pieces to construct a fun shelving unit with a touch of whimsy to represent my style. 
They took boards but then used old spindles from an old kitchen table I had to make the supports. 
Here she is loaded up.
It now allows me space to utilize that paintings just didn't work at.  And it has opened up a whole new area for me to create for.  
what do you think?


Cassie Bustamante said...

adorable new look! love the vintage red and white!

Julie said...

I love this, what a good way to show off your talents!! I love your creations, beautiful! :)